Wonder Woman is an unusual figure in the world of comic books. When she was created in 1941, comic books were read by an overwhelming number of children and adults of both sexes, and the story goes that her creator (noted psychologist, William Moulton Marston) was concerned that the popular comics media had no good FEMALE role models. His creation, the brilliant and gifted princess of a tribe of lost Amazons, has been a role model for generations of women- and men as well. Today, she holds a place as one of DC Comic’s “big three” heroes- the other two being Superman and Batman. It is oddly appropriate to see Barbie, an icon in her own right, give homage to this icon. Dr. Marston would be proud. (Side note: Dr. Marston, as it turned out, was ahead of his time in more ways than one. If you’re interested in going down that rabbit hole, I recommend the movie Professor Marston and the Wonder Women.)
The Doll

First, the good: the facial screening on this doll is some of the most beautiful I’ve seen in the last five or ten years. WW has bright aqua blue almond shaped eyes with heavy lids that give her a very reserved, coy look. Her lids are painted in pale blue and emphasis is added with a dramatic streak of smoky shadow above the eye area of the mold, followed by pale powder blue all the way up to her long, thin, smoky-black brows. Her lips are cherry red outlined in berry, and she has only the faintest traces of red blush on her soft pink cheeks. Next, the bad: her hair is an utter disaster. Mattel still hasn’t figured out how to do wavy or curly hair, and this doll is a perfect example of what not to do. First, don’t bother with any kind of part, making it difficult to style. Second, make the hair random lengths, so that blob-like curls stick out all down the back. Third, make the longest pieces waist-plus, so there’s no way to display the doll from the back. At least they got the black hair color right.

Important warning: this doll is bound in her box in a way that will permanently deform her legs, so even if you don’t intend to completely debox her, you need to slide her out long enough to untie her legs! The body itself is nothing special: the standard Barbie body with Shani arms and molded panties.
Doll Scorecard
Face: A++
Body: B
Hair: D
Overall: B
The Outfit

This is the “modern era” Wonder Woman costume, with the addition of a cape, which she only wore in her earliest appearances (back when she fought evil in a miniskirt). The modern costume can be easily distinguished from earlier versions by the presence of two stylized ‘W’s on the chest, rather than an eagle. The costume is nicely made and fastened with snaps. As proof that Mattel never expects collector’s edition dolls to leave their boxes, the back of her costume is done in solid blue satin rather than the correct star print. The lasso does detach, if you wish, but my husband (an enormous comic fan) made it quite clear that I removed it at my peril. The outfit also includes the appropriate buff colored hose. Her boots are made of red and white satin and are quite nicely constructed. The final touches are her trademark tiara with its red star and, of course, her bracelets. All in all, the whole outfit is quite nicely done and quite true to the comic!
Outfit Scorecard
Fabric: A
Style: A
Execution: A-
Overall: A
The Result

Here, Diana wears one of Generation Girl Lara’s fashions, a lovely and whimsical outfit that reminded me of the sort of things the denizens of Paradise Island always wear in the comics. It’s perfect for those hot island nights…
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